True Happiness Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a great way to make powerful life changes by using your subconscious mind, where true and lasting change occurs!
Hypnosis works! Changes are made in the subconscious mind, which is responsible for 80-95% of habits, behaviors, and emotions. Because we get to the root of the problem, results are rapid and permanent.
Change destructive behaviors like eating or drinking too much, smoking, anxiety and stress. Become confident and increase your productivity, eliminate fears and phobias, improve focus and concentration, and put an end to insomnia – with safe, effective, natural hypnosis.
Contact Emmy to schedule a free 20 minute phone consultation through the online link below. You will have all of your questions answered so you can comfortably decide if hypnosis is right for you.
Listen as Emmy explains “What is Hypnosis”
Download the 5 Secrets to Happiness!
5 Star Google and Yelp Reviews from Satisfied Clients

“I worked with Emmy for seven sessions over 3 months, and I can honestly say that the progress I made with healing and gaining insight into my problems while working with Emmy, was more accelerated and than any progress, I’ve made over the last 20 years. I have worked with approximately 12 therapists throughout my life, and Emmy is the best. I say this from the perspective of both a client and also a medical professional. I have been a family physician for 17 years, and I can recognize a good practitioner when I see one– Emmy is in the top 5%.
Hypnotherapy was new to me. I loved it. The insight gained through this particular type of healing was more profound and impactful than other forms of therapy I’ve tried, including CBT, EMDR, and talk therapy. Emmy has a knack for pulling from all kinds of traditions and schools of wisdom to help her client grow in a direction that is life-giving. Not only that, she is empathic and understanding, which makes it easier to talk about hard stuff. Life is hard, but in working with Emmy, you will gain new skills to conquer your particular challenges.”
“I would like to praise Emmy. My sessions with her were profound and healing. I am a middle-aged woman who has been on a healing journey since 2010. I had made a lot of progress in my healing when I went to Emmy because of a recommendation from a friend. I was having trouble getting past the traumatic events of my childhood. I am a strong and successful person and I just couldn’t understand it. As a Registered Nurse and Nutritionist, I thought that I was doing everything that I could to heal. Well, I learned that it wasn’t the traumatic events, but that my needs weren’t met as a child. She then took me through a hypnosis journey where I actually felt a ball of anger leave my body. I cannot express how that has changed me. I no longer have triggers that would upset my gallbladder. It has been about a year now and my life continues to improve because I no longer have an underlying sadness and anger. All of this in only 5 sessions! Thank you, Emmy, for giving me the life that I had hoped for!”
“I just finished five sessions with Emmy to have her help me change my money mindset which was getting in the way of enjoying life and, frankly, enjoying the hard-earned cash I’ve set aside over the decades.
I can now calm myself when faced with spending decisions and feel more confident about my approach. The secondary benefits to our sessions are 1) a sense of control/calm over the difficult time we are living through with COVD-19, 2) tactics to not only stay calm during the day, but also tactics to quiet my mind and get to sleep.
I’m so grateful to Emmy for her calm devotion to my mission of re-tooling the mindset developed from years of bad, useless self-messaging about money. Her sessions were straightforward and non-threatening in a safe environment.”
“Emmy has been a life saver. This was the first time I have done hypnosis and I love it! It was like going to the spa for my mind. That is the best way I could describe it. She has helped me deal with lifelong issues. I have less anxiety and feel more at ease then I have felt in a very long time. She also gives you things to practice every day which also help. She not only helps with the issues you are dealing with right now but also issues you haven’t dealt with from your past. Love her! Thanks Emmy!!”
“Emmy Eisenberg’s compilation of modalities was very effective in my healing and getting me to a place where I’m living how I’ve always wanted to. I’m getting leaner. I’m creatively freer. I’m more disciplined, more able to consciously choose my path. I whole heartedly recommend Emmy for anyone who’s ready to do the work to heal and make an extraordinary life.”
“Hypnotherapy with Emmy has freed me from the prison in my head that anxiety had become for me. For the first time that I can remember, I move throughout my day and experience life in the present moment without worrying about things that happened in the past or may or may not happen in the future. Through traumatic life experiences, I had developed many thought patterns that I hoped would protect me from pain and suffering but most of them were actually unhelpful to me and were holding me back from living my life in a productive and connected way. Everything in my life was suffering and I needed desperately to make a change but I knew I couldn’t spend one more session in talk therapy. This is exactly what I needed and it far exceeded my expectations. I have a confidence and a trust that I don’t remember ever having in my life and it feels amazing. I spent decades and thousands of dollars in talk therapy and it never worked for me. In just five sessions with Emmy, I am the person I always wanted to be and I feel incredible. I am the absolute best version of myself. Hypnotherapy was the best time and money I have ever spent on myself. People around me see the difference and want it for themselves and I think it’s something every person would benefit from! The effect on me is so great that I now fantasize about becoming a hypnotherapist so I can help other people in the way Emmy has helped me!”
“Emmy has an outstanding talent for helping her clients relax into a place where your conscious mind quiets down, and your subconscious can safely address your concerns. I have never tried this method before, and I would describe it as a guided meditation, where you are in full control, but able to reframe events from your life into a positive perspective. I would highly recommend Emmy as a safe, authentic and highly skilled practitioner of Hypnotherapy. This has proven to be a great method for clearing your mind, discovering ways to calm your mind and emotions, and really freeing yourself from past limitations for future growth.”
“Last winter I had lunch with an old friend, and was shocked and impressed at how much her general demeanor had changed. She was relaxed and happy in a different way than I had ever known her. I asked what she thought was responsible for the change, and she told me 4 or 5 sessions of hypnosis. Hopeful but skeptical, I asked the name of her hypnotherapist, and she referred me to Emmy Eisenberg.
I think I saw Emmy 6 times before leaving for a 3 month trip in March. By the third visit, the initial issues which brought me in were no longer bothering me. I recognized them as totally false assumptions on my part.
We continued to focus on a few long-term untrue beliefs I had been carrying around since early childhood, and she helped me understand at a core level how ridiculous they were.
The realizations I made in hypnotherapy kick-started me into daily vigorous exercise and a life-changing personal recovery program. The past six months have been the happiest time of my life, and it just keeps getting better. Yes, I have been doing the footwork, but I believe my therapy with Emmy enabled me to set aside the childhood damage and move forward, something I had been trying to do for decades. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”
“I recently had a hypnosis session with Emmy on Zoom (due to the pandemic). It was a first for me but I was open to giving it a try and think it was quite successful. One just relaxes like you would in person and Emmy guides you through the process of setting up on Zoom and then settling into the hypnosis process.
She is excellent in her therapeutic facilitation. She’s comfortable to work with and has a compassionate yet enthusiastic and engaging way style which made me feel comfortable and relaxed. I would recommend her highly.”
“I met Emmy at a time when I was looking to move past some deep obstacles and with her guidance, I am astounded by how much I learned and how quickly I was able to move past them. Emmy is not only kind and sensitive in ushering her clients into sometimes scary waters; she is innately gifted in empowering them to emerge with strength, direction and meaning. I trust Emmy completely and continue to reap the benefits of our work together. ”
“Emmy is great! I came to her with chronic lower back pain that I’d had for about a dozen years. Acupuncture, massage, physical therapy & diet adjustments sometimes worked temporarily but I have never been able to treat it by physical means with lasting results. I had read about mind-body connections and thought my issues could be stress related as much or more than physical. This is Emmy’s expertise. Treatments for me were really very straightforward, comfortable, and relaxing. Hypnotherapy is very effective! After six sessions with Emmy I feel better than I have in the last few years and confident that it I will stay this way.”
“We didn’t talk about this when we teleconferenced, but I continue to keep off the 40+ lbs I lost after seeing you with relative ease (from about 170 to a steady 128). Our subsequent work made me realize that I hadn’t really adjusted my own internal image, nor had I adjusted my riding equipment to my weight loss. I had a saddle I was swimming in and clothes as well. A couple pairs of new breeches and a saddle that fits both Apollo and me has helped enormously.
Thanks again Emmy.”